Dec 27, 2009

My LIFO Report 2007

How You Like to Do Things

Oriented to the bottom line, you pride yourself in being on top of all situations and knowing what you are doing. When making a decision, you thoroughly study the facts and then try to make the most rational choice. After a decision is made, your mind is hard to change. You fight vigorously to defend your point of view and are at home with facts and figures. At times, you can be criticized for neglecting the human element. Sometimes argumentative, you love to win, so you harness your logical powers to back up your position.

You prefer responding to stressful situations by first analyzing your options and then taking bold action to solve the problem. You like to think through the consequences of various approaches, develop a logical plan, and then take control of the situation to make sure that the problem gets resolved successfully. You are confident that you can meet difficult challenges by applying a rational and systematic approach that advances you towards the goal step-by-step. You like to organize others and develop procedures that ensure the problem won't arise again.

You are willing to take on complex problems because you believe you can resolve them through a tough-minded, analytical approach that will ferret out the solution. Forceful and tenacious, once you take charge you are strongly motivated to press on until you succeed.

You prefer confronting conflict instead of smoothing it over and like to use your reason and powers of persuasion to win arguments. If you feel your position is under attack, you will protect your interests from exploitation and are likely to wear down your opposition with a steadfast commitment to your own point of view.

Referinte Hudson 2005

Referinte Hudson Romania pentru Sorin Petrisor CIUCIUC:

Adrian HAAS, ex. Marketing Director TERAPIA, Marketing Manager EWOPHARMA

“Colaborarea cu Sorin a fost 90% excelenta, ramanand acel 10% - procent de minime inadvertente, care exista in genere in orice relatie de colaborare!”

“Ca performanta a reusit sa pozitioneze cu succes pe piata (partea operationala, lansare) produsul Terapia – Lipofib– in conditiile in care piata avea un competitor agresiv – Lipantil (Les Laboratoires Fournier), produs prioritar si care le realiza un procent mare din vanzari”

“Sorin este perseverent, ambitios si nu in ultimul rand foarte muncitor si implicat”

“Poate ar trebui sa mai lucreze putin, la comunicare – eu pot afirma ca pe Sorin trebuie sa stii cum sa-l adordezi si daca ai gasit acesta cheie, apoi totul se deruleaza perfect!”

“Dupa plecarea lui de la Terapia – Lipofib – a ramas in continuare pe un trend ascendant, ceea ce denota tocmai, ca produsul a fost foarte bine pozitionat ”

Carmen TEODORESCU, ex. Medical Relations Manager (Business Unit Manager) NESTLE, actual Product Manager Diabete Care Top Diagnostics (Roche Diagnostics)

“Pe Sorin il recomand din toata inima pentru orice tip de pozitie in vanzari, deoarece este un om de vanzari prin excelenta si excelent – a fost intotdeauna cel mai bun din echipa pe care am coordonat-o. Daca astazi se stie de NESTLE este numai meritul lui, deoarece pe Sorin il cunoaste toata lumea!”
“Ca performanta a acelei perioade pot aminti de lansarea unui produs nou pentru sugari - lansare pentru care, marturisesc, aveam o foarte mare teama, dar rezultatul a fost ca la numai trei luni, la un congres Dl. Prof. Miu a afirmat ca el il utilizeaza cu success in clinica si ca il recomanda si tuturor celorlalti colegi!”

“Sorin este foarte serios, muncitor, implicat, foarte bine informat, o persoana pe care nu a fost nevoie sa o controloz niciodata si care nu mi-a inselat aceasta incredere niciodata – as putea spune chiar ca am fost rasplatita lucrand cu un asemenea om!”
“Sorin este foarte organizat – el reusea sa rezolve in doua zile, ceea ce altii cu greu finalizau poate intr-o saptamana!”
“Sorin este dornic sa faca multe lucruri deodata si foarte repede si poate ca in timp ar trebui sa se mai tempereze…un pic!”
“La Terapia a avut niste rezultate rasunatoare si toate proiectele demarate de el au fost incheiate cu succes.”

Tudor DUMITRESCU, ex. Regional Sales Manager NESTLE
“Sorin este o persoana orientata spre vanzari prin excelenta – la Nestle existau anumite restrictii pentru vanzari, noi fiind extreme de focusati pe promovare, dar Sorin avea o strategie aparte, ceea ce s-a si concretizat ulterior in cifre de vanzari foarte bune si mult mai mari pe zona sa, comparativ cu alte zone!”
“Sorin este foarte ambitios, isi urmareste aproape obsesiv atingerea obiectivului propus”
“Poate ca ar trebui uneori sa aiba ceva mai multa rabdare, sa nu vrea mereu ca lucrurile sa se intample foarte repede!”
“Perioada lui de la Terapia a uimit piata, prin rapiditatea cu care a reusit sa construiasca o echipa mare si specializata (20 de reprezentati medicali)”
“Pozitia lui actuala de Sales & Marketing Manager pentru o companie de soft este o dovada de reusita, ca abilitati de vanzari si manageriale”

Luiza PARVULESCU, ex. Medical Representative NESTLE

“Persoana extrem de orientata spre vanzari, cu abilitati speciale de negociator”

“Am avut o colaborare foarte buna, este extreme de corect si cu spirit de echipa, asa incat niciodata nu am ezitat sa pun intrebari sau sa cer detalii atunci cand aveam nevoie”

“Are o capacitate speciala de organizare si o coerenta alocare de timp si resurse, foarte analitic, ambitios!”:

29 iunie 2005

Dec 17, 2009

Personal Data

General Personal Data
Birth Date: October, the 12th, 1969
Birthplace: Turnu Magurele, Teleorman – ROMANIA
Civil Status: Married

Contact details:
Address: 104, 21 Decembrie Bv. 400124 Cluj Napoca, Cluj, ROMANIA
Phone: +40 743 083 545
Professional Objective
My professional objective is to develop myself within the overall business environment and, along with an educated strategic vision and driven by results oriented actions, to achieve a strong business understanding.

International Experience

2008 – 2009 – Direct links with the Danish Marketing HQ and follow-up of marketing and sales policy in surrounding countries (Hungary, ex-Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Ukraine) within Ferrosan A/S

2006 – 2008 – Direct involvement in regional sales and marketing policies for Central & Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldavia) within CEVA Sante Animale (ex-Sanofi Animal Health Division)

2003 – Product assimilation project through co-operation with Ethypharm (French pharmaceutical laboratory developing and manufacturing medicinal products in the domain of controlled release systems - DDS) - Saint-Cloud, France for Terapia

2001 – International exposure to Czech, Hungarian and British FMCG business environment: international career development as part of “Commercial Training for Young Managers”, working directly within the Marketing departments of NestlĂ©’s offices

Skills and Competencies

Central & Eastern Europe Regional and National sales management experience

People management – sales and marketing team management, motivation, training, development and leading toward success

Strategic thinking, planning and thorough execution; Experience in rapid changing environments

Excellent communications skills – Positively influencing skills inside and along with cooperating outside organizations in building profitable relationships; Ability to inspire and drive teams toward goals achievements

Key opinion leaders relationship development

Result oriented

Sales and Marketing Director for Ferrosan Romania – since March, 2008

Sales strategy in Romania, sales & marketing activity planning & execution, key account contact with distributors, budget & forecast, responsible for sales & marketing P&L
Direct links with the Danish Marketing HQ and follow-up of marketing and sales policy in surrounding countries (Hungary, ex-Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Ukraine) within Ferrosan A/S
Product portfolio management: registration (securing product claims follow the Romanian laws & regulations), launching, marketing, distribution and sales; Dedicated congresses, symposia and all other medical events promoting the company and its portfolio
Management of Sales & Marketing Department (day to day sales and marketing activities within agreed budgets and strategy)
Key Accounts and other external partners management
Commercial contracting with Romanian pharmaceutical distributors (i.e.: Mediplus, ADM Farm, Farmexpert)
Commercial and promotional activities through major pharmacy chains on the Romanian market (i.e.: Sensiblu, Dona)
Contract negotiations
Sales team management to implement Ferrosan portfolio within Romanian pharmaceutical market

Reports to Ferrosan International A/S, Export Director in Soborg – Copenhagen, Denmark

Further information’s available on company’s websites:;

National Sales Director for CEVA Sante Animale (ex-Sanofi Animal Health div.) - 2006-2008

Development and implementation of the Sales Action Plan
Develop and implement a profitable budget for sales actions and activity
Product portfolio reorganization and new marketing strategies implementation, accordingly to the Romanian market opportunities and correlated with the European region strategies
Direct involvement in regional sales and marketing policies for Central & Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldavia)

Guarantied the achievement of Romanian subsidiary in compliance with the company’s strategy (through targets per product, portfolio and area, management of key accounts)
During my activity in CEVA S.A. I’ve developed an innovative and profitable portfolio of product meeting the needs of the customers and company’s profitability targets
Best use and development of human resources and implement training programs
In April, 2006 I’ve took over the company from 2.2MEUR TO with -12%OP and I left it at 5.3MEUR TO and +39%OP – end 2007 consolidated results 

Reports to the Regional CEVA Office for C&E Europe and directly to CEVA HQ – Libourne, France

Further information’s available on company’s website:

Product Manager for Terapia S.A. - 2003-2004

Cardio-vascular portfolio development: market trends analysis, products analysis, product assimilation capabilities, positioning and market potential, product registration according to the National Drug Agency rules and regulations, clinical studies, market specific and product-related trainings for the Medical Representatives team.
Product assimilation project through co-operation with Ethypharm (French pharmaceutical laboratory)
Brand planning, along with budgeting, marketing and communication strategy, forecasting and commercial policy for pre-launch, launch, re-launch and product follow-up through action plans dedicated to the whole product life cycle.
Medical Representatives team development according to cardio-vascular market standards, including specific training and coaching, performance evaluation.

Launch of several brand new product (i.e.: the hypolipemiant agent Lipofib SR, the vasodilating agent Pentoxi retard)
1st product portfolio to reach over 10MUSD (cardiovascular)

Reports to the Pharma Division Director and to Administrative Council of the Board.

Further information’s available on company website:;

Medical Regional Manager for Nestle Romania - 2002-2003

Responsible for Nestle Romania Infant Nutrition Business for half - Western Romania
Medical Representatives team management: recruit, coach and performance evaluation according with predefined targets and territory management.
Customer management according to Nestle Marketing Strategy and WHO Code of Marketing for Infant Nutrition Substitutes. Define, prioritize, organize and evaluate the impact of various scientific meetings: presentations, courses, seminars and congresses.
Clinical Trials for Personal Evaluation management.

Best Medical Representatives team, growing from 30% to 48% from total Nestle PID sales in 2002.
1st Regional Manager to cross the 1MEUR in the assigned territory in 2002

Reports to the Medical Relations Manager Nestle Romania and Central and Eastern Europe Business Development Director for Nestle PID Business.

Further information’s available on company website:;;

Medical Representative for Nestle Romania - 1998-2001

_ Responsible for Nestle Romania company promotion and its Infant Nutrition Brands in Transylvania.
_ Territory and customer management according to Nestle Marketing Strategy and WHO Code of Marketing for Infant Nutrition Substitutes. Organize and report various scientific meetings: presentations, courses, seminars and congresses; Clinical Trials for Personal Evaluation management.
_ Since 2000, on behalf of Nestle Romania, I was responsible for create, implement, select, and coach a dedicated distribution team within Interbrands M&D: “Farma Division” and its management in terms of: budgeting, territory and customer management, performance and target meets.
_ 2001 - International career development into Hungary, Czech Republic and United Kingdom as part of “Commercial Training for Young Managers”, working directly within the Marketing departments of Nestle offices

Reports to the Medical Relations Manager Nestle Romania and, since 2000, to the National Sales Manager

Personal statement

Along my whole activity within the Romanian business environment I was involved in companies and brands image promotion, building up strong business relations with key leaders on various markets.

Of no second importance, I have always come up with positive results in people's management, from commercial to promotional and from sales to marketing team.

I developed my skills and abilities in Business Development - Business Planning and Project management, Sales & Distribution - sales team management and distribution planning, Marketing - marketing research, marketing planning and product management, Medical - clinical trials management, Advertising - event management, direct marketing and marketing briefing, People’s Management -recruitment and selection, training and coaching.

Dec 2, 2009

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning takes into consideration the whole structure and all the capacities available to the organization at a given time, in the context of a competitive business environment and debates upon the means of formulating and implementing the available strategies, in order to achieve a medium and long term level of development of the business.

The expertise allows me to have a professional approach of the clients’ mission and objectives, determined by a clear view of the business and a careful analysis of the market share.

The use of the PEST, SWOT and PORTER analysis in defining the status of the market is my expert daily work instrument.

Dec 1, 2009

The Famous P’s of Marketing

We analyse your portfolio of products in the context of its position on the market and the product’s well established purpose.

We always take into consideration the market’s potential and the commercial policy in order to effectively place the product in the target consumer’s mind.

According to all of the above, we establish the policy of promotion, the means of implementation and the criteria of performance.

And all of these lead to PROFIT!

Nov 27, 2009

The State of Leadership

The State of Leadership comprise the whole pool of qualities of the employees, developed along with the company portfolio communicating toward the customers and in strict correlation with the intelligent-supportive financial aspects of the entire business.